Solar Shield: Solar Panel Cleaners and Coatings for Improved

The Diamon – Fusion Corporation has pioneered the surface protectant category with its Invisible Shield, the world's first renewable coating for the preservation, enhancement and preventive soiling of all glass, porcelain and ceramics.

Invisible protection for Solar Panels

Through extensive research and development, Diamon – Fusion now offers Glass Science products specifically designed to clean and protect solar panels. Solar Shield® and the Repel™ Cleaner and Repellent features new 3D Nanocoat Technology. They offer invisible, long lasting, and renewable protection for the preservation, enhancement and energy efficiency of solar panels.

Glass Science's Solar Shield repels water, soil & stains for easier cleaning and improved efficiency.

Diamon – Fusion's nanoscale repellent finish keeps water, soil & stains on top of the surface without penetrating for easier next-time cleaning.

  • Lasting protection keeps solar panels cleaner and efficient in between periodic washings
  • Products are easy-to-use in pre or post manufacturture applications
  • Safe on glass, plastic or thin film panels
  • Prevents water, soil and mineral deposit buildup
  • Removes the toughest solar panel stains
  • Cleans, shields and protects panels in 1-step for easier cleaning and increased energy efficiencies
  • A single application lasts for years
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